Scapular Dysfunction - Shoulder Pain.

What is it and how can you treat it?

The shoulder joint is a ball and socket joint - the ball is at the top of the upper arm bone, the humerus, and this fits neatly into a socket, called the glenoid which is part of the shoulder blade. This allows for a lot of movement within the shoulder joint which also leaves the joint more susceptible to instability and injury. It is often described as the equivalent of a golf ball on a tee.

The scapula works as a stable platform for the shoulder to function, providing stability to the rotator cuff. Scapular Dyskinesis or scapular dysfunction refers to the abnormal mobility or function of the scapula. It typically is not a primary complaint by the patient but it can be the underlying cause of the presenting shoulder pain.

The numerous muscles that attach to the scapula are responsible for the complex motions of the shoulder and any deviation from the normal can lead to damage to the shoulder labrum and cartilage. These muscles can become weak from underuse, muscle imbalance, or from injury that results in either muscle damage or nerve damage that does not allow the correct signals to reach the muscle. 

The following scapular mobilisation exercises can help to activate these muscles and restore movement to the scapula:

  1. Scapular Glides

  2. Scapular Retraction & Protraction

  3. Scapular Elevation & Depression

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