Urinary Incontinence

Do you leak urine when you cough, sneeze or jump? Or do you ever need to dash quickly to the toilet when you put the key in the door (and sometimes leak as you do this)?

Well if you do, you are not alone! You are likely to be experiencing stress incontinence or urge incontinence. 1 in 3 women leak urine, yet whilst it’s common it’s not normal! Stress urinary incontinence and urge urinary incontinence are the two types of urinary incontinence that affect 1 in 3 women. So these symptoms are clearly common, but they are not normal.

These symptoms can affect girls and women of any age and don’t just occur if you have had a baby. The great news is that urinary incontinence is treatable and for most women resolvable! 

First-line treatment should be pelvic floor training which is most effective when offered as a 1:1 treatment with a pelvic health physiotherapist. We will assess and treat your symptoms and support your recovery. It is NEVER too late (or you’re never too old) to treat urinary leakage (and all other forms of pelvic floor dysfunction). It doesn’t matter if you have been leaking urine for 7 weeks or 17 years it is never too late to see a pelvic health physiotherapist and treat your symptoms.

For more information about our Women’s Health Physiotherapy Service email us at info@platinumphysio.ie or call our office team on 01- 2789313


Pelvic Floor & Menopause

