Breathwork is an extremely important tool in your wellness toolkit. We are here to explain what it is, how it works, and how you can give it a go with them at WellPilates in May!

What is Breathwork?

Simply Put – Breathwork is one of the most powerful understated wellness tools that is accessible to everybody at every moment of our lives. We may not even realize that we have such a powerful system that can literally reduce stress, improve mental clarity, increase energy, power up our metabolic state and induce a sense of calm and and serenity with just a few short minutes of daily practice.

  • Breathwork is the active form of consciously working your breath to bypass the thinking mind and move into a different state of awareness. Breathworks give the brain's executive functioning something to focus on so we can drop into a deeper state of consciousness, where healing, calm and resting-state reside.

  • We take 20,000 breaths per day and Breath is the first and last act of life. 

  • Breathwork is the conscious practice of connected breathwork programming to impact the nervous system in a responsive positive way.

  • Not all breathwork has the same effect on the body.

  • Breathwork will make you consciously aware of your ventilation system and teach you about your breathing body.

  • Breathwork will also teach you about your respiratory system and the effect of your breath on your body on a cellular level.

How does it work?

  • When we use breathwork intentionally either to activate the nervous system or the calm down the nervous system (yes these are two different types of breathwork and will have two different effects), we create change in the body on a deep cellular level.

  • Slowing down the breath will help calm the nervous system and promote rest, regeneration, and repair.

  • Active Breath which is a more intense focused breath will in effect fire up the nervous system, creating energy in the system and can act as a pathway from conscious to unconscious states.

  • How we breathe is often linked to our stress response and how our body and mind deals with constant stress.  Not all stress is created equal and therefore using different breathwork sequences will be able to

  • Breathwork can remove inhibitions of the stress response we may not even know we are experiencing.

What Can You Expect From A Breath Work Class At WELLFEST

  • Learn To Find, Feel & Embody Your Breathing Muscles

  • Learn 3 quick tools to help you activate your powerful Mindbody connection to Breath Works

  • Experience an Active Breathwork Sequence To Energize The Body & Mind



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