How to Treat Achilles Tendon Pain

The Achilles tendon is very strong and resilient but when it is exposed to higher loads, like an increase in running distance, this can begin to take its toll. Over time, that tendon continues to be stressed by frequent running, which can result in partial tears, pain and tendinopathy.

A change in loading of the loading of the tendon, whether that’s an increase in distance or intensity, can be one of the main factors associated with the development of an Achilles tendinopathy. A good way to prevent a tendinopathy occurring is to avoid an increase in training load by more than 10% each week.

If you are suffering with Achilles tendon pain, a progressive loading programme is a good place to start. Check out our latest instagram reel some of the exercises involved in this programme.

Aside from exercise, there are many other factors such as running biomechanics or other muscle involvement that need to be assessed in order to get you back your usual pain-free activity. Get in touch with us today to book in with one of our Physiotherapy team and recover the right way!

For more information on our Physiotherapy Services:

Email or Call our office team on 012789313


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